Tuesday, April 17, 2007


i woke up to a stunning blue sky, turned on boy's don't cry by the cure, and drove to work.

this thirty minute drive is like meditation for me. and for whatever reason today felt like all the chaos and mishap, the blocks, the breakups, and deaths of family and friendships were going to be ok. if i were in my pre-adult evangelical days i'd say that someone was praying for me.

i think i need to stop focusing on happiness and start focusing on peace. i'd rather have peace in my life than happiness. when i say peace, i'm not talking about safety or even security, i'm referring to an inner calm that keeps me grounded. i've definitely left the ground over the last year and i need to get back to my roots.

drugs, addiction, alcohol, sex, you name it and i was into it. not to say i've conquered these things, but i guess my life is meant for more than this. maybe one day i'll actually figure out how to act on what i speak.


Anonymous said...

I am glad you can at least say you have been there done or doing that. At the same time realize its about peace within yourself. It took me a long time but I now know its not about happiness b/c I will never find that till I find peace within myself.

Anonymous said...

Self awareness is the first step to inner peace. Drugs, addictions, sex, so forth just blurs the truth. Good luck in finding your peace.

Anonymous said...

maybe someone was praying for you
and would, still, lay down their life for you

and maybe that same someone was thinking of hugging you hard enough to break your ribs because they wanted you to know how much you are loved

Anonymous said...

i hope you conquer them hun! xo

Anonymous said...

Sleepless in Marion...

Anonymous said...

I don't know when this happened, but you have been in my prayers since I met you.. as far as anon three below me I would also hug you, hug so hard you couldn't breathe your bones would break and you would feel as if I never would let go only if for a second you knew how much care and platonic love I had for you.

Anonymous said...

i miss u

ASHER said...

i'll take a hug any day of the week.

Anonymous said...

X your virtual hug but if you decide to join us in Funcie Muncie again you shall receive one in person

Anonymous said...


ASHER said...

i like you anon, i can't wait for all those XXXXXXXXX's.

Anonymous said...

In reading over this again, I goofed.. I put comment #6 and in my reference to the other comment said three down when I meant three above me.. hmm..I like how were also all your friends but have choosen to be anon..haha. Have a good evening :)

Anonymous said...

oh trust us we are not all one and the same. you will be receiving many hugs each with our own signatures.