Wednesday, October 31, 2007

fight or flight

wow, this is the bottom line. god speaks when you're not listening, or when you're suppose to be. how cliche to say that, but when your life feels like it has fallen apart and you hear "FIGHT OR FLIGHT" day after day after day you know that someone, somewhere is speaking truth into the deepest parts of who you are.

the night after feeling like i was going to die (refer to earlier blog: predictions) i faced this saying the next day. Fight or Flight. the following day i sat in a sanctuary while the pastor talked about Fight or Flight. the friday after that i sat with a therapist while conversing about Fight or Flight. this tells me something. whatever is going on in my chaotic neurotic existence, i am being beckoned to fight for my past, my future, my present, and probably even my heart and soul. everything that's led me to this point is telling me my life is meant for something more than the meaningless obsession of cumbersome ordinaries. so i search and dig and crawl towards the things and people that matter. you are a part of that, i hope we can do this together.

1 comment:

Josh Jackson said...

Nice words.