Tuesday, July 10, 2007

i guess it's the sex

oh, well i don't know how to say this so i'll be blunt. i miss the sex. it can be so good, (occassionally average) but never bad from my experience. sex has definitely gotten better after marriage for many reasons that i won't go into here.

i realize that sex is not all there is to life, but let's be honest, it's a damn good part of it. i think we neither talk about it, or have it enough. once you've been down that road it's difficult to imagine the life of a virgin again. do they have 'second virgin winds' for people who get divorced and try not to have sex again? i would be interested to hear your thoughts on sex outside of marriage, especially post divorcees like me.


Anonymous said...

miss it love it wack it fuck it

mgordonmiller said...

without being in your shoes (er... i guess you probably don't wear shoes during sex... do you?)
anyway, i can't really say. i'm sure that i would feel guilty in that situation, but hey... i'm not there. you are... so you can make up your own fucking mind. pun intended.

ASHER said...

guilt, hmm. unfortunately i rarely feel guilt. when i make a decision that i know is going to hurt somebody, then i feel it. but if i'm enjoying the nature of creation by choosing to explore my sexuality i feel good about it, at least for now.

Anonymous said...

You say "sex has gotten better after marriage." Do you mean that it got progressively better as time went on, or sex was better after marriage than before? Because if it was the latter, then I would wonder why you were struggling with this now. My honest opinion - sex outside of marriage has to be the most frightening thing ever. Totally exposure without that safe feeling of knowing they won't get up and leave tomorrow. Sure, there is the divorce factor, but in the moment there must be some feeling of protection.

ASHER said...

as crazy as it sounds sex has been better outside of marriage as opposed to in it. partly bc we didn't know what we were doing the first time(s) we did it. i think like anything people get better with time and when they are with someone that honestly respects and cares about them it can awaken the most colorful relationship. i don't think sex was meant for meaningless pleasure, it's a true gift that i try to respect.

Anonymous said...

thats good to hear

Anonymous said...

That does prove my theory. I always thought sex with a super skinny girl would be less than stellar. All those sharp angles, poking and prodding you while you're trying to get down to business.

Anonymous said...

I think the above comment is shockingly rude. Justin - I really hope you delete that one. Where does some anonymous person get off making things super personal??

Anonymous said...

I agree- thats totally messed up..and disrespectful to J (assuming thats who anon is talking about) or any other female who happens to be built with a slender physic.

mgordonmiller said...

why does everybody post anonymously? they are chicken shit.

ASHER said...

good point alf - chinese chicken shits:)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sex is what makes us human and it getting better with time is something we should be happy about as we age