Tuesday, May 15, 2007


i've noticed a strange attraction towards people. whether it's the vibe i give off or the circumstances i've gone through, i draw hurting people. or maybe i'm drawn to hurting people.

especially when it comes to women. my life couldn't be surrounded by more painful lives. everything from adultery and divorce to suicide and addictions. most of them like me have dealt with so much that we often can't imagine what's next. then it happens, another disastrous situation unfolds that either affects us directly or indirectly.

it seems like people that are hurting need to know that other people are hurting too. my friendships are deep and intimate because of this. i care about people because we share the pain in life. you could pick out every single close friend i have and find an absolute train wreck of their life. something, sometime went wrong and now they're swallowed up by their own destruction.

i guess we'll just keep on going. walk through the fires and see where all the good and bad leads us.


Anonymous said...

Nicely written. Reminds me of U2's "Walk On".

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