i'm walking home from Peter Barbee's hows when two young black thugs asked to use my cell phone. i kindly agreed and helped the fella call a "friend". after fumbling around for a few minutes on my phone he said, "i think i got it". then like a bolt of lighting to my face the guy punches me without warning. in a state of shock, we wrestled each other to the ground as he demanded the wallet from my back pocket. for what probably lasted ten minutes i tried to calm the kid down while we wrestled, telling him if he needs something, i'd gladly help him out. i guess the kid just wanted to fight for it.
unfortunately i often carry cash because of my business, so as i'm reluctantly pulling out my money his friend enters in the fight. the two punks are trying to take my wallet and i'm fighting for my bling. finally in order to get these guys off my back i threw the cash on the ground and they took off running. i got up and chased them until i couldn't breathe anymore. they were gone. $140.00 cash, a $300 cell phone and a black eye.
three cops show up and question the entire house of where i thought i saw the guy go. they did a line up for me and everything. but no luck.
this incident has brought more frustration, anger, and compassion than i've felt for a long time. these thugs who feel like they have no way out of the endless african american cycle of poverty and injustice decide to rob generous people because that's who america tells them they are. Poor, second rate people that have no chance at a better life. yeah, maybe i'm being too kind for two punks who tried to beat the shit out of me, but i'm not going to be that white guy that responds as if all africans are bad people.
i think it makes me want to get involved in organized projects that help inner city kids make better decisions for their future. anyway, i'll leave you with a post picture from this morning after i woke up with a sore jaw, back, and fiercely intense headache.

can't belive my eyes!
Want to be there, cause wanna hug u.
they're shit...
:) u is my fave girl
Hey bro - I think and pray for you often. Both Lor, Tak and I talk about you (in an endearing ways) on a regular basis. I wonder how Justin is doing? And then... wouldn't it be sweet if that guy was with us in Africa. Seriously. We all wish we could still be a part of your life up close and personal. Just wanted to let you know that you are still loved big time. Please let me know if there is anything that I can ever do for you - because I'd do it.
Brian King
You have such a kind heart Justin- oxoo for the face :)
brian, i'll have to call you sometime bc i'd love to get some time over there with you guys. glad you found me! thanks for your blog link:)
sucks. i can't believe you fought em. scrapper. time to carry a big maglite when walking at night.
yeah, i already bought a 29mm pistol so next time someone robs me they're gonna get a bb in their ass!
wait... what's a 29mm pistol? if it's a bb gun, please don't do that, man.
i don't know what a 29mm is, i think i might build one and sell them to little white kids like me so they don't get robbed!
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