this may be a very pessimistic way to look at yourself, but it's usually true. there's a distinct difference between a confident person and a person who knows reality from fantasy. i've dwelled in fantasy ever since i was born way back in 1979. from day one i dreamed about being a soccer star, a ladies man, a rockstar, or the leader of a faith movement. but truthfully, i've never dreamed something that came true.

that is a fair assessment of mr. justin asher johnson. there's a good chance i'll never be able to make a single dream come true, but maybe dreams weren't made to come true. here's a little definition from wikipedia.
"A dream is the experience of envisioned images, sounds, or other sensations during sleep. The events of dreams are often impossible or unlikely to occur in physical reality, and are usually outside the control of the dreamer."
there you have it. what a great line, "dreams are often impossible or unlikely to occur in physical reality".
i hope you have more success in your dreamworld than i do. cheers to those who dream on.
I do agree alot of times our dreams do not come true. But I have found out that there are many surprises in life, in fact I just recieved one today.
I don't know you too well, but there's something about you I find special, and I know others do too. Even in our average-ness we are still unique and talented in our individual ways.
Keep dreaming Justin don't lose hope in it. ;)
You are not average. You are all God has created you to be and with all you need to pull that off. You only become average when you compare yourself to someone else. It's your choice. Be you and be incredibly awesome...or try to be someone else and feel average. What's it gonna be?
i'm gonna choose to be average because what i was trying to say is it's ok to be average. i had no one in mind when i wrote this, no one to compare myself with, i was just explaining my recent awareness about myself. if you're gonna play the god card on me, wasn't it he who chose the average and did big things?
Okay so its your choice 2 c u as average but just know those who know you see you for more then that.
I like that .....I am choosing to be average. Its safer that way then we don't let ourselves down but really enjoy the times (even if they don't happen often) when we excel. Average Asher.....yeah it has a nice ring to it.
LOL comments!!! I didn't know it was possible to COMPLETELY miss the point of this post. Maybe some of the readers are more average than THEY think they are? :)
Loved it...
Leave it to Josh to point out why someone else is ignorant and he is so smart. Let me guess, the ignorant person is also from the midwest... gasp!
I think people don't know what to say because Justin you seem so sad. I agree, it's ok to be average. Parents especially overindulge their children with, "good job, You're the best".
i love reading your posts. there is a real-ness that most people don't share... and i respect that. reading your blog reminds me to be honest and real with myself.
i'm average too. and it is okay. most people ARE average. but average people can still live extraordinary lives, even if they don't know it.
average people can still live extraordinary lives, even if they don't know it.
exactly what I have been trying to get across!
anonymous, would you like to tell everyone who you are? (sounds like an AA meeting:)
We are all not all the same so AA like we shall stay
this conversation is great. average is great. justin and josh and anonymous, you guys have been great. i feel like there is an issue here that is rather average. average to feel, but not average to admit. that we are average. that the only reason that certain things seem extraordinary, is because it is done in front of a lot of average people. I mean, sure, we all will have the chance to save an old woman from a burning building, or inspire millions with our words--both examples are figurative--but, in essence, we need to be able to be comfortable with being average. cause for the other 99% of our lives thats what we are. when we do not accept it, i believe, that is where most sadness comes from: not living up to what people expect from us. if we are average: write average songs and average poems and average stories, paint average pictures, experience average love, we are then able to affect average people, like us. thanks for the post j.
Still love reading the comments to follow...but it sounds like anon has an issue with me? And I must have written something about the Midwest?
little lol and brb for me. love your comments everyone, you all keep me smiling:)
Fuck normal, fuck average its all a scapegoat anyway. Just live up to your fucking potential and stop leaving everyone behind you none communicative bastard.
anon, you are cracking me up. why are you so aggressive towards me? email me or something. i want to know what the hell is going on inside your head.
I am not being aggressive just putting my thoughts out there. Just keep in touch with all your "close" friends you have met along the way to becoming just average.
This is Anon 2, not to be confused with Anon 1 who BTW needs to RE-LAX!
Great post. Thx.
All Anon 1 wants is a little more love making in this world.
me too anon 1, me too.
Good words.
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