i went to goodwill, purchased two pairs of women's jeans and a pair of cowboy boots. i hit up a coffee shop later that evening and got laughed at by a few jocks who were smoking on the porch. it was either my skin tight pants or my fancy boots. in that brief moment i had the same emotion revisit me from my days in high school.

it's no wonder i want to leave indiana. acting as the final nudge to leave the midwest behind again for the fifth time in my life. i'm tired of not being able to be me. the me i know right now in this moment is a guy who wants to wear tight pants and cowboy hats and boots and shirts.
so the west is calling. i don't know what is going to happen or where i'll end up, but i know that my days here are numbered like the season of the indianapolis colts.
[next post: the problem with leaving [part 2]
i must not notice people, because i wore tight pants, boots and cowboy shirts for about the past 5 years and i didnt think anyone even noticed.
actually the only time i felt laughed at was in california, when i took out a woman's cruiser thinking it was a mans... lots of honks and laughs.
i would just expect less laughs and more honks.
leaving where you now are is a good idea..in more ways than geography. ;-)
you don't know tight jeans until you wear a pair of sevens, size 27 waist, stretch fit:) does that tell you anything?
I've become a big fan of the women's jeans. They fit bitter, are more comfortable, and just look more kick ass...especially for us guys with skinny legs.
I'm a size 12-14...does that mean I'm fat?
jesse, you are fat. i'm a 4 or 5. does that mean i'm anolemic?
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